Sunday, April 27, 2008

From the Mouth of Babes

I just had the most awesome conversation with my two year old daughter. Every night before bed we read a story then rock and sing some songs. One of her favorite songs is the "Elmo's World" song that you can substitute any one's name into. She loves to tell me who to put in the blank and then we sing the song. The conversation went as follows. Keep in mind that she just turned two in January.

Bailey: I want to sing Elmo's World.
Alesha: Okay.
Bailey: Do Blue's Clue's.
Alesha: Song....
Bailey: Do God's World.
Alesha: Song....
Alesha: That's a good one. Did you know that the whole world is God's world.
Bailey: God loves Bailey.
Alesha: That's right. He loves Bailey so much.
Bailey: Where is God mommy?
Alesha: Well, God is everywhere. (stumped on how to explain that to a two year old)
Bailey: I want to see him.
Alesha: Well, we can't see him. (stumped again)
Bailey: God is a man.
Alesha: Kind of? (stumped)
Bailey: God is like daddy.
Alesha: Kind of? (big shoes to fill)

I really didn't think that I would be having this conversation for at least a couple of years now. She really seems to be churning thoughts and ideas in her mind. That is so great. I hope she has a life long love for thinking, exploring truth, and wonder. Just a side note to dads; I have heard that a child's first perception of God is their father, this is really true. No pressure there, huh? God is awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That girl is such a thinker. This won't be the last time you're stumped by her inquisitive little mind!