Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Celebrating Levi's Upcoming Arrival

Last thursday night a group of us got together to celebrate our sweet friend Kacey. She is expecting a new bundle of joy, Levi Craig Rhodes, in early March. We celebrated at Olive Garden where we ate well and watched Kacey open gifts. Below are a few pictures from the night.
From left to right: Melinda Kelley, Claudia Towell, Alesha Taylor, Terry Lewallen, Kacey Rhodes, Alissa Thomas, Deby Prince

Kacey smiling sweetly after arriving at her surprise baby shower.

Claudia, Melinda, and Terry

Kacey, Alissa, and Deby

We had a wonderful time just getting together and enjoying the good company. We decided that we should find something to celebrate every three or four months.


Austin is carefully reading the instructions before constructing Bailey's new "big girl bed".

A project this big requires a lot of concentration.

Bailey is proudly posing on her new bed. Now she wants me to take a picture every time she goes to bed. She got a little upset when she realized that her baby bed was coming apart.

She is showing us how she is going to lay her first night in the new bed.

Fast asleep after only one attempt to escape. Bailey followed me out of her room after I tucked her in. She told me that was not her bed, it was some other kid's bed. Nice try. She has done wonderful. That was the only time at night that she did not just get into her bed and go to sleep. She has slept all night until about 8:30 every morning. Yeah!!

Nap time has been a different story. She will lay down for about one minute and then come out and say she is awake now. The second day I found her asleep half way in her book shelf and half on the floor. This picture is day three. Here she is sleeping half in her bed and half hanging out. She plays for about an hour and finally konks out. I am hoping this will improve over time. If I had to choose though I would definately pick nap time to be our struggle.