Monday, October 13, 2008

God, Cherries, Fans, Bread

Okay, first off I will say that something is on my mind, but it keeps whirling in several different directions so I am not quiet sure where this post is going but her goes anyway.

A week or so ago Austin was talking in one of our church meetings about how he had been thinking about the goodness of God. He said the verses in Matthew 7:9-11 had been on his mind. "You parents - if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him."

Austin said that as a father he has come to really see that verse more clearly. He said that we do things for Bailey all the time that she does not even realize that we do. For example, at night after she goes to sleep we always check on her to be sure she is in her bed and is cozy. Lots of nights she has gotten out of her bed and has fallen asleep in front of her fan. We pick her up and tuck her in comfortably. He wondered what all God does for us that we don't even realize he does.

That got me to thinking about God's love and who God truly is. I have been reading the book "The Shack" by Wm. Paul Young. This is a fiction story about a man that truly experiences God and comes to know Him to be someone totally different than the "god" he thought He was. It gives you a fresh and exhilarating perspective about who God is. You should really read it. It will make you laugh, cry, and experience God. I really think that God gave this author a wonderful blessing in the ability to pen these words. If you want to read more about the book you can go to

While reading this book I began to think more about God's love for us and how nothing we do can cause God to love us less or more. I think that most of us have heard our whole life that we can't do anything to make God stop loving us. But have we ever really thought about the fact that we can't do anything to make God love us more. His love is entirely complete and it is impossible to become more complete. Growing up I was a "good christian girl". I didn't do the things that good christian girls shouldn't do. I really thought God loved me but then again I was pretty lovable right?

The more I learn about God I realize that my arrogance and self righteousness was actually a barrier to God rather than something that brought me closer to Him. I have come to see others more the way God sees them, though still no where near perfection. I can love them despite their religion, skin color, social class, "righteousness". That last one was always the biggest struggle for me. I mean they weren't living right and that gave me the right to judge them, right? I now realize that I am no better than anyone else. I am so delighted that I can't do anything to change God's love that I can just live in that love. Yeah!!

Anyway I bet you are wondering about the cherry part of the title. Bailey loves cherries. Anytime we get a cherry limeade she always ask for the cherry. Tonight we were eating supper out and Austin got a milk shake with his meal. I noticed a little bowl with something red in it. Bailey noticed it to and asked what it was. Austin told her that when she was done eating she could see. By the time she was done eating she was so excited. When Austin pulled back the lid there were four cherries inside. I thought that was so sweet. Bailey had not even asked for or thought about cherries. Her daddy knew she loved them and got them for her just because. Isn't that the way God is?

I have been getting to know God out side of the "religious" box that I have always put Him in and more as the loving, real father that He is. God is so much bigger and greater than we realize. I must stop putting Him in this little box of what I can fathom and understand and let God be who He is.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this post. I've also been thinking a lot about who our Father is, and how sometimes I just don't give Him the credit He deserves. It is so reassuring to think about how sensitive He is to our needs. I was reading in Mark (5:25-34) today about the bleeding woman who touched Jesus' robe. Of all the people crowded around Him, Jesus felt that woman in need of His healing power reach out, hoping to just touch His robe. I have read this many times before, but it finally hit me how personal and sensitive God is to each and every one of His children, just as we are with our own kiddos. This thought makes me so thankful for the comfort I can find through Christ. Our God cannot be put in a box, thank goodness. I need Him way too much, even when I don't even know it!

Anonymous said...

Great post! I often wonder what God thinks when we just don't get Him. We underestimate His power and unconditional love so often. Thanks for making me think today.

Charity said...

Great post! It is hard for me to remember that God loves me the same no matter what is going on in my life. He loves me the same on monday night when I forget to pray as he does when I'm sitting in church on sunday. I've heard about The Shack from my boss/friend. She says if you can get past the one "horrific" scene, its a great book. Did you enjoy it? Do you read Karen Kingsburry?

Rachel Freeman said...

what a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing that. Hope you all had a great Christmas. Happy new year.