Bailey started Mother's Day out a couple of weeks ago. She attends two days a week from 9:00 to 2:30. To prepare for MDO we bought a new lunch box, nap mat, and princess blanket. She was so excited about starting school because of her new items. We were a little concerned about how she would do because she hasn't been away from us too much and she tends to be a little leery of people she doesn't know, even other kids.
On her first morning she was very excited (until we pulled into the parking lot). We got out of the van and began walking toward the church. The closer we got the slower she got. We made it to her classroom. She went in okay and things were going well until we began to walk away. She began to wail. It was soooo hard to leave her, but Austin insisted she would be okay. When we picked her up (30 minutes early I might add) she acted like she had a good time.
On Thursday I had to take her by myself. Austin threatened me if I brought her home. She began crying before we ever left the house saying she didn't want to go to school. She cried all the way there and was sniffling as we walked down the hall toward her class. I handed her to the teacher and she began to cry like she has never cried before. She was screaming "Mommy". I left quickly. I sat in the car and cried for a few minutes until I could gather myself enough to drive home. When I got home I called the school and asked someone to go to her room and check on her. They checked and assured me that she was okay. I made it through the rest of the day but picked her up a little early. After that I decided that Austin should take her to school.
Austin said she cried a little Tuesday. Thursday morning she was ready to go. She kept telling us that she wasn't even going to cry. She was true to her word and we were so proud. She had a great day Thursday and is asking when she goes back to class.
Bailey has made a new friend, Camden. She told us that Camden is her favorite. Camden is really pretty and has long brown hair that winds (a.k.a. blows). She is so excited to show us her work. The last picture is of her work that she took to bed with her. When I checked on her before I went to bed that is how I found her. Too sweet. Hopefully it will keep getting better and better.
We went through the exact same thing when Trey started MDO last year. Now, he is waking us up every Tuesday and Thursday because he is so excited to go. Hang in there. I understand crying in the car, picking her up early and calling to check on her. I did the same. It's just one of the few downfalls to them being at home with mommy all the time. I promise you she will love it by the end of the month.
Thanks for the encouragement. I am hoping we are over the worst part. She has been saying the last few days that she isn't even going to cry when she goes to school. I hope that the long gap between thursday and tuesday doesn't cause her to regress. Alesha
That pic of her walking behind Austin just about makes me cry....A little girl trying to be big so fast. rfh
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