Here is Bailey at 3 months old. She was rolling over, smiling and capturing the hearts of her love sick parents. She began rolling from her back to her stomach while she and I were spending the night with my parents. That night I put her to sleep and laid her down in her playpen (on her back of coarse). As soon as I placed her on her back she flipped over to her stomach. I turned her over and she flipped right back. We did this a few times ending with her getting her way and me staying up all night watching in fear of her suffocating. The next day my mom convinced me that if she could roll over then she would roll back over if she couldn't breath. I slept a little the next night. This was the beginning of the many battles of will to come. I have recently heard several people say the three's are worse than the two's. O' boy. I'm looking forward to every minute of it.

At nine months my sweet girl is pulling up and cruising. At ten months she begins walking and loves this new mode of transportation. If our home wasn't baby proof before we had to make sure that it is now. She is saying lots of words. She has mommy and daddy wrapped around her little finger.

Here she is at 1 & 1/2 years old. When I think I couldn't possibly love her more it seems exactly that happens. Bailey is talking in sentences now. She loves to be around other kids. We aren't quiet sure where she got it, but Bailey thrives on being the center of attention. One of her favorite phrases is "Mommy, watch me". Others used rather often are "I so funny" and "I do it myself".
My two year old birthday girl. Bailey can carry on a conversation with just about anyone now. She talks all day long. I tease saying she may be a narrator or sports announcer when she grows up. She gives us a play by play of everything that she does. She loves to play games and spend time with her friends. She has also turned into a candy monster. That is something we need to work on. Bailey is mommy's little sidekick. If I do it, she does it. She watches my every move. I do not even realize some habits I have until I notice her doing them. If I sneeze, Bailey does too. If I laugh, Bailey does too. It is flattering and frightening at the same time. Wow, God really gives us an awesome responsibility as parents. I just pray that he covers all of my mistakes because I know I make plenty.
This two year journey has been full of highs and lows. I worry often if I am being the mom that I need to be, the woman that I want Bailey to become. Being a stay-at-home mom is truly one of the hardest, but most rewarding jobs in the world. I try to remember that if everything doesn't get done today there is always tomorrow. I want to do today the things that I would regret not doing if tomorrow doesn't come (laundry isn't one of those things, spending time with my daughter is). I have days that I don't get much done other than tending to and playing with Bailey. Sometimes that makes me feel guilty. Then there are other days that I feel like I got a lot accomplished, but pushed my baby away saying I was busy. It is hard to find that balance.
I also worry that I will look back and realize that I did not enjoy her as much as I could have had I not let the little things cause me stress. I want to enjoy every moment that I have with her. The older she gets the fewer there will be. Sometimes I think stay-at-home moms take for granted all of the time that we have and don't really savour the everyday moments. I pray that I will begin to do so.
Although life as mom isn't always easy it's always worth it. I love Bailey Dawn Taylor so much. At the end of the day when we are rocking at bedtime it seems that all is right in the world (of coarse I don't mind when Dad steps in and lets me get an early bath). My daughter is so precious to me. I can't remember really wanting to be anything when I grew up other than a wife and mother. Isn't God good. I don't always appreciate all He does and sometimes even need time from my greatest blessings (but don't we all). When I really stop and think about the life He has given me I am amazed. I couldn't have imagined anything better.
I would love to hear comments from other moms and dads about the highs and lows of your journey through parenthood.
Oh, you just wait!! It was so sad seeing Jonathan walk right into Pre-school without looking back. Then this year, we had to release Aaron & Caleb into the hands of their teachers who seem to spend more time with them than we do. They grow up fast. Jeff and I were just talking the other day about how quickly these first 8 years of parenthood have passed. If the next 8 pass this quickly, the boys will be 16, 14, & 13 in a snap! I know there are many, many trying times; and I, like you, struggle to make the very most of the time God blesses me with my precious boys! Now I'm just beginning to wonder, with our new arrival just weeks away, how my time and love and attention is going to spread to 4 kiddos and their daddy too (and of course to little Miss Bailey).
Anyway, sorry for the long comment. I enjoyed your sweet post. Thanks for helping me reflect on the joys God has given me!
Thank you for your post Kacey. It's nice to hear thoughts from other moms. I am not looking forward to how fast time goes by. At times I want the minutes to go by quickly, but the days to go by slowly. I guess it does't work that way.
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