God is good isn't he!
The view is breath-taking (literally). If you don't believe me ask Sheila. Due to the thin air she and I found ourselves stopping to catch our breath quiet often.
Bailey, Uncle Adam, and Aunt Amber waiting to go on the scenic wagon ride.
Mom & Bailey at the beautiful Keystone Resort.
Mom & Bailey
Aunt Amber, Uncle Adam, Alesha, Bailey, Austin, Sheila during the break on our Wagon ride. The horses, Rocky and Randy, were gorgeous as was the scenery.
All - Star Fundraising had the fifth highest sales volume for the fall 2006 - spring 2007 season. I was very proud of our team and their accomplishments. Austin has put in a lot of hard work to build this business to what it is today. We started the fundraising business about five years ago. My sister Amanda and brother-in-law Tim were with us in the beginning until his football career took them else where. The first few years were busy. Things were tight for a while, but the business is really taking off now. Our sales grew almost 100% from last season to this season. Adam, Amber, and Sheila have done an awesome job this past year. Thanks guys for all the hard work! For those who don't know, about a year and a half ago my brother Adam and his wife Amber began working with us in the northeast Texas and north Louisianna area and Austin's mom, Sheila, started working with us in the Arkansas area. Austin is now concentraiting on north west Mississippi and the Memphis metro area. Bringing them on board has been rewarding for everyone involved. We won a $1,000 vacation package. We need to decide soon where we are going to go. We'll be sure to take lots of pictures and fill everyone in on the trip. We love you all.